About Us

I'm a Portuguese freelancer photographer since 1989. Lately been concentrating on making photos of music related such as concerts, bands, cover albums, festivals while continuing to take pictures in other areas and available for assignments as per request.

I'm also the author of the acclaimed bog LightingMods where you can find a lot of information about small flashes and some DIY (Do It Yourself) Tips related to them as well as some great photography tips.

You can also visit and subscribe my Facebook & Flickr photography pages for recent activities.

The idea of this "Live, Music Magazine" came a long way back as many people been asking me to write a little bit more about the concert shows and festivals where I'm in. Not the idea of making another Magazine about music but in other hand my objective here was to create a page for the photographers.

Sharing my ideas, perspectives on the shooting scenes, lens used, the place, ideal conditions to shoot at a particular venue and also some concert tips for the younger photographers that are starting out and do not know where to begin.

Why call it Music Magazine you may ask?
well... it's all related with music and since it's for photographers I decided to make it a magazine or like in the old days we would call it fanzine for the Concert Photographer fans.

Why in English?
In English as it will be much easier to add more people to the conversation as I know a lot of International Photographers out there who can contribute with their help on some subjects and matters and this would help you grow your skills as a concert photographer.

Hope you enjoy this place and also share some of your information's and tips for the concerts and venue places you've been through.

Thank you for reading and supporting this page, we will see each other in the field.


Rui M. Leal


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